2022 End of School celebration
In July 2022, Thrive of Mogtedo hosted the Second Annual End of Year School Celebration. Our founder, Serge Nana, was able to return to Mogtedo to participate in the celebration. This trip allowed him to see how the organization has been operating since its launch in 2020. The 2022 End of Year Celebration proudly recognized students who performed well during the school year. It also provided an opportunity to bring villagers together with their children to celebrate the success of everyone’s children.
While there, Serge received numerous personal stories from villagers whose families have been helped by Thrive of Mogtedo’s efforts. One story in particular struck Serge when "a woman came to Serge to thank the organization for the support her two kids have received with school supplies and meals. Her husband passed away three years ago making it difficult for her to purchase the school materials needed. She has had to sell the family’s farming animals in order to buy the materials and pay the school fees". Another student’s father traveled to Serge's family home to thank him for the gift his daughter, Nadine, received. During the celebration, she was awarded a bicycle for being one of the two top 6th grade learners in the 2021-22 school year. Hearing stories like these inspires us to continue the work we are doing for the village as it is clear we are creating a positive impact.
Due to your generous support, this year we were able to achieve the following:
Purchase five bags of 50 kilograms (110.2 pounds) of rice to feed 318 students and approximately 200 guests from the village community;
Reward 40 students with textbooks, books, and backpacks;
Reward 2 6th grade students who earned the highest grades during the 2021-22 school year, providing each with a bicycle, textbooks, book, and backpacks; and
Reward each of the 12 teachers with 10,828.57 CAF ($20) a small cash bonus as a small thank you for their tireless work on behalf of their students.
We are so grateful for your support. We are excited to continue showing love to the school.