Student Support

The school in Mogtedo is the epicenter for the education of the children and its surroundings as being the only school in the area with 2,000 plus inhabitants. There are 318 students in the school with 40-65 students per 1 teacher ratio in each classroom. The school is a one-story building with no electricity, no running water or air conditioning. Students come from as far as an hour each morning to the school. Some students go to school without eating breakfast or lunch meaning they depend solely on what the school provides for them to eat or until they go back home after school for dinner. In addition, the majority of the students attend without materials because their parents have no or little income. Furthermore, some parents are not able to pay the school fees. Students whose parents are unable to pay the school fee are forced to miss class until the fee is fully paid.

 Thrive of Mogtedo wants to support the students with their needs with the hope of bolstering their success. Our goal is to help the students by providing them with school supplies and food, to improve their academic achievement as well as school enrollment. 

As mentioned, some students go to school with an empty stomach, and we want to provide meals for them. The short-term goal is to provide lunch at least once or twice a week and every day in the long term.  

At the end of each school year, we will hold a ceremony with the entire community, the parents, and the teachers to evaluate the children’s progress and the impact of our work and encourage the participation and involvement of everyone, especially the parents.